Term of Usage

By using Dapiya's services, you AGREE to the following Terms of Usage:


    About this agreement
    1. This agreement, or the Terms of Usage (TOU) in applicable context, refers to Dapiya's Terms of Usage (TOU).
    2. Site administrators refer to @BigShuitai and @xiaoqianWX, please contact us via our Discord server (Dapiya Community Server), QQ group (Dapiya.hub), or email: dapiya@qq.com.
    Updates to the Terms of Usage
    1. Dapiya reserves the right to update this agreement at any time without any specific reason. However, Dapiya has the obligation of notifying all users with a reasonable amount of effort. Ultimately, it is the end user's responsibility to read and agree to the current TOU before using our services.
    1. All changes to Dapiya products should be listed in changelog whenever we release an update. If you have questions about certain changes, please contact us.

Dapiya Webpage

    Usage of products
    1. Dapiya allows and encourages all non-commercial and commercial usage as long as it follows CC BY 4.0 and has a clear citation or hyperlink to Dapiya(See 2.2).
    2. Use of live updating embeds are allowed.
    Citation and Watermarks
    1. Please cite Dapiya as an organization if you need to make a citation.
    2. If there is no citation or hyperlink to Dapiya and it is not a personal/non-commercial usage, watermarks should not be erased / covered / blurred.
    Removal of right to access
    1. Dapiya reserves the right of removing the access of users that intentionally interferes with the normal operation of Dapiya and partnering / related / friend websites and services. Including attacking, spamming, and other behaviors that could threaten Dapiya and our services.

User-requested ROI service (Documentation)

    1. Dapiya reserves the right to terminate any account without prior notice for abuse, see section 3.2.
    Responsible usage
    1. As ROI service is still a part of Dapiya webpage, ROI service follows section 1 and 2.
    2. Please read ROI documentation before using this service.
    3. Behaviors that affect the normal operation of ROI service, such as spam or intentionally utilizing bugs / design flaws may result in account termination.

Dapiya communities

    1. Dapiya currently has an official community on QQ and Discord. We hope these communities can increase communication between users and let us hear the feedback and better understand the need of users.
    2. About more information of our community, please see the website notices.
    1. All users shall follow platform TOS and rules in the group / server.
    2. Dapiya reserves the right of banning / remove users that intentionally disrupt the community.

Copyright © 2020- Dapiya Team. All Rights Reserved.

Contact: dapiya@qq.com